Monday, March 7, 2016

Trei Ang Toek Trei Ampeltum (Grilled fish with Ripe Tamarind Sauce)


  1. 1kg of freshwater fish (Cat fish, Trei Ros.....)
  2. 300g of lettuce
  3. 100g bean sprouts 
  4. 3cucumbers 
  5. 3-4 bunches of Sdao
  6. Herb (Chi)


  1. 4tbsp of ripe tamarind 
  2. 5tbsp of fish sauce 
  3. 3tbsp of sugar 
  4. 1/2 cup of water 
  5. 6-7 clovers of garlic, chopped 
  6. 6-7 shallots, thinly slice 
  7. 1-2 chili, thinly slice 
    Tamarind Sauce


  1.  Clean fish thoroughly and drain, then bring to grill until it  cooks and set aside
  2. Clean lettuce, sdao and herb (Chi), wash cucumber and slice in chip, wash bean sprout and tip its root then take them all to arrange on a plate. 


  1. Soak ripe tamarind in water and use spoon stick until the flesh melt. 
  2.  Add fish sauce, sugar chopped garlic and sliced shallots and stir them well 
  3. Finally toss slice of chili
    Grilled fish with Ripe Tamarind Sauce
  This dish is served by using fingers. Lettuce is the best way to wrap all ingredients and dip into the sauce and serve

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